Photo of Marly, a Middle Eastern woman with olive skin and black curly hair with a gray stripe. She is smiling outside in front of greenery.Marly Saade

Director of Employment Programs
803-779-5121 ext. 139
Columbia Office

As Director of Employment Programs at Able South Carolina, Marly maintains relationships with employers and service providers seeking to improve their ability to hire and retain people with disabilities in the workforce. She works with consumers, partners, and businesses to bring collective consensus around competitive and integrated employment for people with disabilities. As someone with a spinal cord injury, her expertise goes beyond her professional experience.

Marly holds a B.A. in Modern Standard Arabic and a Minor in Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies. Previously, she worked for a Center for Independent Living in Ohio, where she managed a Personal Care Assistance Program for Central Ohio and later became a supervisor. She coordinated the Emergency Readiness Grant for persons with neurological disabilities as well as the Disability Vaccine Access Opportunity Center Grant working with Health Departments for barrier removal related to COVID-19 vaccine clinics. She also worked with The Nisonger Center, A University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, to coordinate both The Living Well in The Community Workshops and The Ohio Disability and Health Partnership supporting individuals with disabilities.

She has three citizenships to her name and also shares that she wishes she were a mermaid, which would give her a possible fourth citizenship!


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