
Consumer Testimonial

I’ve been having my difficulties communicating with my Primary Care Physician for a while. I’ve been with her a long time and simply took her advice without question.. after all, she is the doctor...and who am I to question her. However, the office time spent with me is often just a few quick minutes and my questions go unanswered because of these constraints. Recently, I’ve had to leave messages and follow-up questions about medical issues that I feel are being ignored. Having taken the Health Advocacy class with Able SC, along with with the discussion in the Hour of Empowerment virtual group has given me the courage to ask...and ask again until I get an answer or a referral. I am getting results and considering I may have to change my doctor. I am at last doing something for myself and it feels good!

Pickens School District

It is I who owe you the thanks! You were so impressive today. The feedback I have gotten affirms that your presentations were well-received and fell on fertile ground. The special education assistants are better equipped to enter the classrooms and serve those individuals with disabilities in a more empowering way….and that is simply due to your ability to connect with your audience in a transparent and informative manner.

Can’t wait to share these resources with others in our district. We have come so far in the last couple of years being a district that embraces “ALL” of our students and desires the best for each of them.

Teacher Testimonial

I’m really enjoying being on the Able SC email list! Particularly since one of my former students is enjoying being so involved in Able-SC activities.

I’ve seen her self-confidence grow by leaps and bounds as she has continued her growth to young adulthood working with your agency. I’m thrilled that she has found a place to “belong.” So many of my students leave me at 21 and quickly become stagnant because of the lack of meaningful activities in their life after school. I’m encouraging ALL of my students to get involved with Able SC, even before they exit school.

When I first started teaching the MID Transition class in 2003-2004, there were sooooo few agencies for me to get my students involved/connected with before/after they left [high school]. Fortunately, now there are several agencies I can steer my students toward. But no matter how much info. I provide my students, unfortunately their participation level boils down to how supportive their parents are.

Thanks for keeping me so informed through your emails! I continue to pray for your agency’s success, and for all of your staff and the remarkable persons with disabilities you serve.

Consumer Testimonial on Independent Living Specialist, Chris Sparrow

I want to thank Chris for helping me learn more about myself through my disability and also want to thank all of my peers at the group meeting and wish them luck in the future.

Consumer Testimonial

This letter is to give my extraordinary compliments to the hard work put forth by LaQuanda Porchea.  Not only does she assist me in setting goals, she sees to it that I stick to them, something I desperately need during this time, since I tend to get side-tracked.

She attends my conferences when I need a peer to help me advocate and gently points out what I may wish to do in the future. When I need a service which Able SC can provide, she’s right on it.  Another remarkable plus concerning LaQuanda is she’s personable.  She gives her experiences such that clients don’t feel as if s/he is/are alone.

Empowering A Future Attendee

I never realized how important it was for students to understand their disability and be an ‘expert’ on their disability. I have always felt ‘bad’ talking about their disability in from of them. Disability was a bad word.

It has encouraged me to encourage students to advocate more for themselves and learn more about their rights…

Mapping Your Future Parent Attendee

I wish we had known about this years ago and can’t wait to come to more and get more involved.

It was a good conference and opened more opportunities to my family. It discussed more resources than I was aware of. I loved that he was able to have a gluten free lunch.

Empowering A Future Attendee

As a special educator and new leader in my district, this conference has provided me with valuable information to help provide more meaningful experiences for our transition-age students.

I will be encouraging my students to be active participants and leaders in their IEP meetings.

Mapping Your Future Parent Attendee

It was quite helpful in many ways. My husband and I were encouraged with the resources available and learned a lot. We made some excellent contacts. My son was inspired by some of the people he met and it increased his pride and his hopefulness. I think it helped him with goals for the future. I wish all families could attend a conference like this!

Seminar Participant

Dear Jerri - It was such a pleasure to meet you last week at the Free To Be Me seminar! I had no idea that both Able and Family Connection were such powerful (and empowering) resources. I signed up to be on the Able email list, and look forward to staying in the loop. Thank you for what you do! It is a true ministry and calling, and I’m so thankful for you.

Emergency Preparedness Program Participant

The emergency prepared[eness] training offered by Able SC prepared me for the 1000 year flood we recently experienced in Columbia SC. I equipped myself so well with the training, that I did not feel the anxiety I usually experience with my disability. Having all materials in the emergency bag, medicines and supplies I needed, helped me feel confident in my ability to survive during the emergency. Strategies, like being able to text to save battery when my phone was [almost] dead, and other tips were extremely helpful. Knowing that I could handle the situation on my own empowered me to be independent in the flood. I am very grateful for making the training available to me. Thank you.

Consumer Testimonial

Able was VERY instrumental in providing service to me for my grandson during Hurricane Matthew. The employees were very concerned and courteous to us.

Consumer Testimonial

I finally no longer FEEL like a victim of my health issues [and] brain injury…I SEE my potential to be a voice of advocacy in whole new ways! I was able to express myself clearly at my disability hearing (in July) and no matter what the judge decides I walked out knowing I am a changed woman who will eventually find my way to a whole new life in ways I never dreamed possible…YOU started the change in me on a whole new level… One of the biggest gifts you gave me is realizing that feeding a fear is a choice and using your voice for positive powerful change is [a] tool! The new me is learning how to NOT allow fear to be a factor when it comes to the unknowns on my life journey! I have to work on it to prevent myself from going backwards, but I can see progress and that rocks!

Consumer Testimonial

Sarah was fantastic and very knowledgeable. She broke down information in a way that I could understand and was like my own personal cheerleader.

Consumer Testimonial on ILS, Sarah Sharpe

Ms. Sharpe and the staff at Able SC could not have been more helpful during my employment search. They were very thoughtful, attentive, and responsive to my needs and concerns. I would not hesitate to recommend Able SC to anyone else.

Able SC Consumer on ILS, Sarah Sharpe

This summer, I approached ABLE seeking assistance on several fronts—housing, employment and transportation at the forefront. Sarah was assigned to my case. And Sarah delivered. I had in prior months reached out to several agencies seeking the same support only to be passed around like a hot potato. Many of those agencies kept referring me to others. Others who in turned referred me back to where I started. In the meantime, I lost two jobs due to my disabilities and was facing eviction.

Sarah not only helped to arrest that decline she provided the empathy, urgency and attentiveness needed to put me back on the right trajectory. She scheduled and kept appointments while returning emails and phone calls in a prompt manner—and with each engagement managing to provide resources that moved the ball forward. It sounds simple; it sounds like what any professional should do. But I can attest to the fact that many social service workers in this town do not perform in this manner. They act as if they are doing favors for their clients. Sarah understands that what she is doing is not charity—it is her job. And she deserves to be applauded for that.

I am happy to report that as of today, I am currently working for a nonprofit organization and have secured the support of the Housing Authority and other agencies that will soon lead to long term/stable housing within the month. Sarah Sharpe’s professionalism (and ABLE as an agency) have been critical in these positive developments.

Training Testimonial

I attended your training this past Friday and wanted to say – thank you so much for sharing your time and knowledge. I really appreciated learning new strategies for serving individuals with disabilities. My biggest takeaway was: stop pondering a client’s “limitations” and how those perceived limitations may or may not affect their case… I reflected on past occasions in which, in an effort to be conscientious, I probably got too far ahead of myself, and my assumptions were likely based on misconceptions in the first place. Sigh. It is good and humbling to continue to learn – thank you for what you do. Again, thank you so much for sharing your time and wisdom.

Able SC Consumer on Lead ILS, LaQuanda Porchea

LaQuanda was perfect for my assignment. She exhibited confidence and professionalism. She was extremely knowledgeable and personable. She made me feel more confident about my abilities. What a great asset she is to your organization.

South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation

Dear Ms. Davison, I want to thank you and Able South Carolina so much for providing excellent training to the program providers of the Upstate Workforce Board, including: SC Works, Youth Stop, Res Care, Achieve, School staff, and SC Dept. of Employment and Workforce. You and Chris Sparrow did a superb job of making our training truly effective for everyone in the audience.

What started at this training will open new doors to more understanding and opportunities to provide the best and most appropriate employment services to consumers who need them the most. I also believe we will have even more opportunities to train, not only service providers, but employers and CEO’s, so that we can become even stronger partners in the employment field. We look forward to continually working with you on the Disabilities Committee and thank you again for your help and support with the training.

Empowering A Future Attendee

The thing I remember most from this conference is the panel of people who had disabilities that answered questions during the lunch session. In hearing them speak, it made me think about not being so quick to encourage students to opt for an occupational credential rather than a regular state diploma. I learned how much more important it is to have high expectations for all with disabilities, and to teach them the skills to be empowered and independent. This conference really made me think more about my role in this as a transition specialist.

Mapping Your Future Student Attendee

The conference provided excellent resources. I felt accepted by everyone. They saw me as a person first and then my disability second.

It made me proud of who I am.

Regarding Able SC’s Healthcare Videos

I got the chance to watch the videos and I think they are remarkable. They are very informative and very user friendly. Y’all did a grand job of putting these together.

Consumer Testimonial on Employment Services Coordinator, Cali Sandel

“I think with Able SC – if I had not had Cali’s support and constant positive feedback.. I might’ve quit a long time ago.”

“I feel like Able SC actually cares – whereas with other organizations I feel like I’m a number..Because you help with all disabilities. You have more of a ‘think outside the box’ mindset. If I’m having a bad day (either looking for a job or my “why me” days) I know I can call you and you’ll get it. I have that support from Able whereas I don’t have that with other organizations.”

“You really need that sort of support to be able to survive and make it through the hard times of looking for a job or whatever you happen to be doing.”

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