able access

Customized Professional Trainings

To assist you with providing access to people with disabilities, Able SC offers a variety of professional trainings. We have trained thousands of professionals, including educators, employers, police officers, service providers, community program staff, higher education students, and government employees, with a 99% satisfaction rate.

Our Top Requested Trainings:

Below are just a few training topics requested most frequently. If there is a topic related to disability you do not find on this list, contact us and we can work with you to determine our capacity for training on your preferred subject.

Disability Culture & Anti-Ableism Trainings

Introductory courses into all things disability culture. Review topics such as understanding disability, the importance of disability perspective, and how disability culture impacts customer service. Trainings are customizable to fit your needs but are best when allowed 2 hours for discussion and Q&A.

Alternative Formats, Accessible Communications, & Digital Accessibility Trainings

Overview of digital accessibility issues and barriers, how to solve those barriers. Brings awareness to website issues, document accessibility, and accessible social media. Trainings can be customized to go in-depth or provide a broad perspective. Trainings can also be held in multi-series or workshop formats to provide you with the best education to fit your needs.

Building Inclusion through Employees and Volunteers with Disabilities

Explore barriers and beliefs about people with disabilities that create bias or exclusion in the workplace. Topics covered can include inclusive employment and supervision, accommodations made easy, Employment First, equitable hiring practices, and workplace accessibility.

Understanding Disability Rights Laws as a Community Organization/Business

Touch on the various relevant laws that impact employers and/or businesses concerning people with disabilities. Includes The Americans with Disabilities Act, Rehabilitation Act, and other disability rights laws.

ADA Architectural Standards and Barrier Removal

Overview of the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design and how to remove barriers in the business/workplace/public sphere to ensure guests, patrons, staff, employees, and visitors have full access to locations.

Emergency Preparedness, Response, & Disability Integration in Public Health

People with disabilities must be included when preparing for and responding to disasters and efforts in public health. Our trainings equip public health professionals with the knowledge and skills to deliver equitable and accessible healthcare to the disability community. Furthermore, we strive to empower our community to advocate for equitable treatment by offering comprehensive guidance on Disability Rights laws and the protections they provide in healthcare settings. Our team can customize training for emergency management workers, healthcare workers, administrative staff, and others.

Sex & Relationships, Domestic Violence and Assault Prevention Trainings

Individuals with disabilities should receive inclusive, respectful, and accessible information on healthy relationships, consent, boundary setting, identifying abuse or violence, and advocating for support in abusive or violent situations. We offer trainings for people with disabilities as well as providers.

Parenting with a Disability

People with disabilities are parents and great ones at that! Our trainings touch on the realities of parenting with a disability, dispel myths about disabled parents, and provide insight into parenting rights for people with disabilities.

Youth Empowerment & Goal Setting

Our youth team can offer customized trainings for students, youths, teachers, guardians, and those who work closely with youth with disabilities. Training topics can include disability pride, empowerment, independence skills and goal setting, and self-advocacy.

Keynote & Empowerment Speaking

We also offer keynote and empowerment speaking, perfect for bringing disability inclusion into your next conference or training event.

Meet your trainers and keynote speakers:

Sandy Jordan, Vice President & Chief Community Integration Program Officer:

Popular Topics: Employer Obligations under the ADA; Employment Rights; Employment First; Building a Diverse Workforce; Outcomes-Based Interagency Teaming for Youth Transition; Reasonable Accommodations; Employment Rights and Advocacy; Systems Change and Coalition Building to Improve Employment Services; Employer Engagement

Mary Alex Kopp, Vice President & Chief Public Relations Officer:

Popular Topics: Accessible communications strategies, including accessible social media, digital content, document basics, and virtual or in-person events.

Dori Tempio, Senior Director of Community Education:

Popular Topics: Diversity and Inclusion; Disability Rights; Disability Culture; Service Animals; Fair Housing; Empowering People with Disabilities; Voting Rights; Person-Centered Planning; Disability Pride; Emergency Preparedness; Sex and Relationships; Diversity and Inclusion; Employer Obligations under the ADA; Employment Rights; Reasonable Accommodations

Kimberly Tissot, President, and Chief Executive Officer:

Popular Topics: Parenting with a Disability; Independent Living Philosophy; Disability Perspective; Quality CIL Services and Collaboration; Universal Design and Accessibility; Legislative Disability Rights Advocacy; Executive Director Leadership/Mentorship; Accessibility Assessments; Americans with Disabilities Act; ADA Transition Planning; Employer Obligations under the ADA

WIPA Team Members:

Popular Topics: Myths about Benefits and Working, Person-Centered Planning

Youth EQUIP Leaders:

Popular Topics: Youth Empowerment and Advocacy; Disability Pride; Autism Inclusion


“The trainers exuded enthusiasm throughout the training. They were a wealth of knowledge.”

“The trainer was able to educate and gave great information based on her life experiences. She helped me look at the life of people who are disabled in a different way.”

“Dori is a very engaging presenter. She keeps your attention and makes it feel more like a conversation than a training. She does not make people feel bad if they do not have the answer.”

“Excellent, destigmatizing overview!”

“Information provided first hand by experienced instructors.”

“The speaker was knowledgeable & energetic!”

“Excellent introduction for people unfamiliar with disability etiquette”

“It was an excellent overview; appreciated the concrete tips & advice for how to improve programs & discuss with individuals.”

“Emphasis that each person with a disability is the expert on themselves, so it’s important to find out from them how we can best serve them/what resources they need.”

“Many tips learned today will assist in providing the community with the policing they deserve.”

“Empowering speaker and made me re-evaluate how I viewed people with disabilities.”

Able SC staff are trained, motivated, and ready to provide, an upbeat and memorable training experience! To learn more about our technical assistance services, please contact us at or 800-681-6805.