Donate to Able SC

SustainAble Giving Club

It's our birthday! Show your love for Able SC with a $30 monthly gift to celebrate 30 years of success stories.

Able SC 30th Anniversary Logo graphic with four images of disabled staff and consumers speaking into microphones. Text reads, 'Your gift empowers us to pick up the mic. Just imagine - your contribution elevates the voices of people with disabilities.' Individuals include a Blind youth, Director of Employment, Marly Saade, a middle eastern woman in a wheelchair, CEO Kimberly Tissot, a white woman with glasses using crutches, consumer and AmeriCorps members Ebony Deloach, a Black woman with glasses in a power wheelchair.

Celebrate with us as we honor 30 years of service to our disability community.

Following the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, a group of South Carolinians with disabilities continued to face significant barriers to being a part of the community. They banded together in 1994 to create Able South Carolina, relying on each other for the support they couldn’t find elsewhere. For three decades, Able SC has continued this sole focus. As a disability-led, consumer-controlled, community-based nonprofit, Able SC is making South Carolina a national leader in equity and inclusion for all people with disabilities. The mission to equip, educate, and advocate for people in South Carolina with disabilities is just as relevant today as it was in 1994.

Imagine what the next 30 years could bring. Be a part of what our story could be in the next 30 years. Consider donating in honor of this milestone.

Annual Reports and More

Read more about our impact in our Annual Reports, and make your impact below:

Able SC Online Giving:

Attainable Annual Fund

A donation of any size to the Attainable Annual Fund- Unrestricted Donations helps us continue to empower people with disabilities to live independently.

Your financial support:

  • Assists individuals with adapting to their disabilities
  • Empowers individuals to advocate for themselves
  • Teaches individuals skills to be independent
  • Creates long-term systems change
  • Protects disability rights
  • Provides community education on inclusiveness

For all donation questions, please contact 864-660-9357 or All donations to Able SC are tax deductible. Thank you for your support!

Guidestar Gold Seal of Transparency 2021

Tom & Yvonne Eskew Endowment Fund

Help Able SC assets grow over time by contributing to The Tom and Yvonne Eskew Endowment Fund

We are grateful for the generosity of Tom and Yvonne Eskew.  Tom and Yvonne met and married in Texas in 1963. Tom, a career Air Force serviceman, and Yvonne, a registered nurse, traveled the globe as a military family. At the time of their retirement, Tom and Yvonne returned to Tom's birthplace in Upstate South Carolina, where they enjoyed the remainder of their lives. Tom and Yvonne cherished the Upstate and generously gave to the community.

The Tom and Yvonne Eskew Fund is a permanent gift established in their memory to further the programs and services of Able South Carolina in the Upstate.

Contact Kim Ward, Director of Development, for more information:

Stock Gifts

Able SC is happy to accept stock gifts! For your convenience, you can download and use this form with your stock broker.

Please note: It is the policy of Able SC to liquidate stock immediately upon receipt (or as the market allows). 

Assistive Technology Donations

Do you have used durable medical equipment sitting around your home?

Consider donating it to someone in need. Able South Carolina accepts donations of gently-used assistive technology (AT) and distributes the equipment to qualified individuals.

When you donate the equipment you no longer use to Able SC, you’re giving someone the chance to live independently, make their own decisions, and do more for themselves.

Able SC accepts the following items:

  • manual wheelchairs
  • power wheelchairs
  • scooters
  • rollators
  • walkers
  • portable ramps
  • tub transfer/bath seats
  • shower benches
  • bedside commodes


  • briefs/diapers/pads (incontinence products)
  • chux pads
  • canes
  • hoyer lifts
  • transfer/slide boards
  • handheld shower wands
  • grab bars
  • bedside rolling tables
  • hospital beds

If you’d like to donate AT,  please email or call 803-779-5121 to schedule a drop-off time. Please make sure the equipment is in good condition—not broken or missing parts. All donations to Able SC are tax deductible. Thank you for your support!


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